Monday, March 24, 2008

where am i in service learning

where do i stand when it comes to service learning? well, honestly i might say i'm far to the bottom. i have not done any volentary work anywhere so far. even though thats not good im not doubting myself just yet! i have a few things in mind i would like to do for this project. one thing would be babysit my nephew, volenter at an mental association/hospital or clean the streets for m community. when shall i began? very soon starting saturday i will watch{babysit} my nephew for the minumin of hrs. then one day next week i will make my hospital vist. ...{common question} what is the point of this whole project? i have no idea all i know is that we are supposed to get some type of credit by june 1st. what's the consequence? if not completed hours, you will be asked to make them up in your sophmore year on top of the extra hours you have to do. so that's 30 hrs!!!!. so minus well start now of i'll see you at the finish line.......miss shani-miyette hayes was soo here 3/24/08 bye bye!

1 comment:

SHANI H. said...

i think this is good