Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Can i picture myself in this book? why ,why not

As a independent individual I can Picture myself in a lot of positive envornments in the future weither if it’s  law school, mortitian parctice, or even having a house on the hill with a loving family. But as to viewing myself playing a role in the novel of mice in men is at a blur,  I couldn’t see myself prominently reading this book, getting this book read and completed was truly warfare for me it didn’t catch my intrest and It didn’t fit into my lifestyle, candidly because I have far more expectations and potential to be in this book my  personality stands out , I am an non violent individual , and my lifestyle isn’t always at the norm.



One strong way I couldn’t find myself in this book is because the lack of humor curly performed and more so in my perspective Lennie, he was about nature and animals and soft material George and Lennie performed relations as if they where cat and dog. Me personally prefer distance relationships with others not much of a peoples person at all.   Indefinatly couldn’t find myself in a farm like atmosphere.  Don’t get me wrong or confuse my agenda if I was to do a skit of mice and men I could pull it off but actually in the book wouldn’t at all cacth the center of my eye also known as a pupil.



Violence is my next point, of mice of men was at fate to violent acts the mascot of many scenes would be a gun. This one gun did so much in so little time accidents or not for example Lennie killed and innocent dog and another by an accident by just petting it to roughly. Featuring scenes frigid at heart George killed Lennie after all they been through trust must be at a limit with any and everyone. With further or due Lennie  murderd  Curly’s wife with a gun also. I couldn’t view myself in any of these scenes it’s not my lifestyle and I have better things to do at my acess than to be apart of a violence riot.




Last but not least my own reasons I couldn’t play a role in this book and or movie because simply I just wouldn’t fit in at all. Maybe I’m a bit conceited or ungreatful to be in a back in the day act with all said and done im jus not fit to the test of being apart of mice and men the title didn’t even intrest me It was a battle with myself to look pass my flaws and more so at my intuations to get what I have to get done.  Boring isn’t what im looking for.


Looking at myself and how I live and survive day to day I’m far from George and Lennie and their experiences we are complete opposite in everything done. Especially personality our indenities are’nt even close.  

Friday, May 1, 2009

What is a main symbol of violence in this book?

mostly black and made of stell hot bullets but cool smoke arising the air signatured smith and wesson symbolized as a gun. many scenes of mice and men reminds me of the gun violence in my area of town, like that time when George and Lennie or when that innocent dog was shot and killed guns been a factor that effects us all in a way weither if its used during hunting or just raw cold hearted violence.

Lennie keep rubbing on soft things but why?


Lennie has issues......an identified chronic problem with Lennie is his attractive eye with soft material things and one scene he was caught rubbing on curly wife's hair and in another he acrimoniously killed and abused a dog by induring his soft fur by all means accidental. not to mention the reason for leaving the first town was because of his prominent urge to massage a woman's skirt. ....10pts.