Wednesday, December 19, 2007

should there be an age for a child to have a lover?{cons. topic}

in my opion i say no because love is a strong word it can happen at anytime anyplace and soceity nor government can change that. people are going to love whoever they want to love no matter who says different.{we have that right as a citizen of america}. age, size, color, race. it's not really an issue when it comes to love. even though it's a rule that no more than 4years can someone be in a relationship but many of people don't abide by that rule at all. rules and regulations that the gov. makes isn' faithfully followed people are going to live thier life no matter what you say i say or the laws say. love is an option not a priorty to all people. and to take that right away from some one is un-exceptable. society does what he/she feels like just like gun law! no body care about the rules any more so why publish it? for what? its not going to be obeyed its like i dont even exists

Now and days girls are getting pregant/ haveing babies starting at the age of nine years old. HIV{aids} , STD'S ...etc. if all formed by sexually active people and most ppl. do this with the ppl. they think that they love{or whatever} the genaratioins now with sex active diases is with most percent is woman and african american. but if you think about it love leads to sex and that leads to pregnancy. and that can lead to high school drop outs . so its like steps it go higher and higher each thing lead to another until the big boom happen and everything is over for these young people. and the young people is our future and if we loose our future we have no future at all. so what are we going to do?

so maybe we should have an age limit for lovers beacuase its breaking the young people down its to many young black females thats pregnant at very young ages . very young! so should we ? make a law concerning an childs age for a lover. but maybe not like i said before teens these days are out of control and if we did make this a law it wouldn't work its now 2008 nobody cares what the cops, gov....etc. mayor has to say its all about them if they want love at the age of 10 i bet they will get it so to answer the topic question no.

should huck. finn. be taught in chs?

i think no and yes! {double answer} why this? its because no because it has horrible grammer its fiction now and days in this generatioin we need to know the truth and the truth only. thats how our heads get capped up. it's long and boring it will loose our interest very quickly with no problem at all. and no effense but we black and black people don't read not at all. unless it's a magazine. besides that for the good no we are not reading unless you really really force us did you know that malcolm x qouted in a speech saying if you want to hide something from black people put it in a book. and that's oh so true! but in high school there is reports and books involved in our cirriculam. that we may have to read but a book llike huck. finn its out of the question it's soooo long and boring and dead.

If you going to give us something to read let it be exciting! laughable violence the streets we live in/on today not anything dumb and senseless it's bad enough we dont read now so if you trying to persue us in reading dont let it be boring i mean wow! at least put something good and an intrest in our face not nothing dumb! like but it was an good long experience after all. i enjoyed the movie more than the book . the movie caught my attention at least for a good minute {not actually and minute...but u know} but that book gots to go! its like for old people thats into slavery days not young teens thats looking for a sucessful future

And yes! because some people are interested in this.{they must be} but all shakesphare fans may love it but i must admit i like the conflict and conclusion! its was good the movie i would have no prob. watching again but my o my that book oh no!!!

Friday, November 2, 2007

shani hayes expository essay

The ending of the story thank you mam was sad and happy to my opion because he never got a chance to say thank you to miss jones but on the other hand it ended happily because he learned a valueable lesson and in the end he still got what he wanted after all the head ache with miss jones. it was a very double sided ending, to the story but it was enjoyable.

I liked this ending because it was interrest you didn't know what to expect next! i was an fun experience and a pleasure to wirte and essay on it was like an action thing you didn't know what to expect i happend when it happend.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Thursday, October 11, 2007


security is good even though i really dont like it i have to say that its fair myspace is more out alot of peole hav myspace's little kids to old people facebook is something new everyone isn't exposed to facebook but myspace is out there and very very popular and it has a record behind it a girl ent to a myspace party and got raped it was on the news and everything. to my opinon it both should be blocked but facebook isn't really out et so that's cool but myspace should be home thing anyway so if something happend to a student and if he/she was talking to the predator on school land grounds [computers] the school would be in this situation


Thursday, October 4, 2007

my pholosophy[

throught out wrold history people have made/created societies constantly struggling to balance freedom with the amount of power necessary to rule, such as revolutionary war,law making,protests, and elections is a result of an individual groups beliefs or our government and/or how our government should do and be for their [us] people. the government is positively necessary but in my opinion we neead a better/stronger one.